After 35 years working in IT and Change Management for 3 International companies, I moved into the Town and Parish Council sector in 2005. Gaining CilCA qualification and becoming a founder member of the Institute of Local Council Management were important steps that led me to be the Proper Officer and RFO for seven parish councils at the same time, around Sudbury in Suffolk.
Today I look after Newton Parish Council, am an Internal Auditor of Town & Parish Councils, and undertake interim consultancy roles at both Town & Parish Councils. I have been an active member of the Suffolk Branch of the Society for Local Council Clerks (SLCC) since 2006, and am still a member of the Suffolk Branch.
Until 2021, I had been the new clerks' mentor in Suffolk, a role that was very important to me and one that I am passionate about. In 2015 I received the SLCC's John Crompton Award for Mentoring.
Please contact Dave Crimmin if there is anything that I could help you with.